Stewardship in Action Preview

Program Outline
Stewardship Preview
The Stewardship preview course introduces the concept of stewardship and the role that stewarding principles play in beneficiary’s lives. Explore your values in terms of how they relate to stewardship and being a beneficiary. The course readings and activities have been redacted for preview purposes.
Estimated Completion Time: 2 hours
Featured Resources:
- Borrowed from Your Grandchildren Chapter 3, “The Social History of Family Dynasties” by Dennis Jaffe
- The Complete Family Office Handbook Preview of Chapter 3, "Family Entrepreneurship and the Family Bank"
- The Legacy of Inherited Wealth by Barbara Blouin
- Wealth Management Unwrapped by Charlotte Beyer
- Podcast by Dr. Dennis Jaffe entitled, "Modern Stewardship"
- Podcast by Russ Haworth entitled, "Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves"
- Podcast by Warner Babcock entitled, "Starting a Family Bank"
- Podcast by Joseph W. Reilly Jr. entitled, "The Inheritance Project"
- Podcast by Charlotte Beyer entitled, "Wealth Unwrapped: The CEO's Guide"
- Access your courses anytime, anywhere, with a computer, tablet or smartphone
- Videos, quizzes and interactive content designed for a proven learning experience
- Unlimited access. Take your courses at your time and pace
- This program is designed to take 1-2 months with approximately 10-15 hours per week of study. If you put in more hours per week, you will finish sooner than the predicted 1-2 months
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