Investing Fundamentals - Module 3
Module 3 of Investing Fundamentals progresses through a real-life case study and provides insights into how trust investing may have different guidelines and parameters than a simple brokerage or investment account. The module applies the insights learned from investment basics in Module 1 and the process, approach, and governance to investing covered in Module 2. The final Module provides a useful investment case study that also ties in the broader estate planning, financial planning, and wealth transfer concepts covered in earlier lessons.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the challenges and opportunities that arise when family members with diverse careers and perspectives are entrusted with managing a family office's investment portfolio
- Understand how the source and amount of inherited wealth can shape individual investment goals
- Explore the development and importance of investment policy statements, risk management, and tax efficiency policies in shaping the portfolio
- Investigate the importance of effective communication in family meetings to share investment strategies, goals, and expectations, fostering a deeper understanding among family members with divergent approaches to wealth management.
Featured Resources:
- Access your courses anytime, anywhere, with a computer, tablet or smartphone
- Videos, quizzes and interactive content designed for a proven learning experience
- Unlimited access. Take your courses at your time and pace
- This program is designed to take 1-2 months with approximately 10-15 hours per week of study. If you put in more hours per week, you will finish sooner than the predicted 1-2 months